Seeing as our faction is growing in numbers and we're involved in TW/PK/dailies parties I thought it would
be beneficial if we had some sort of voice-chatting system. Teamspeak is pretty much free to use as long as
you are arelatively small group and non-profit (which we are). I would be willing to [or at least attempt to]
create a Teamspeak server for all faction use.
I really thing it would be a good idea, but I wanna know what the rest of you guys think before I start diving
headfirst into a project that might not be well recieved. So I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave a reply so I
can hear your individualized responses, but if you don't have time or don't really feel like it, just let me know
in faction or something. I'll also be asking every now and then in the faction for the people that aren't as
involved on forums (which I don't recommend doing for everything because people need to get more involved).
So yeahh! Just let me know watcha think (: